Male breast reduction, or gynecomastia surgery in Kanpur, is surgery to correct protruding or bulky breasts similar to women.

Breast enlargement, which is also called gynecomastia, can be caused by excess breast tissue and/or fat accumulation. The projection can happen in one or both breasts, generating an asymmetrical and feminine appearance to the chest. It can occur at different ages from childhood to adulthood, through adolescence.

Pseudo gynecomastia is called when breast enlargement is essentially the result of fat accumulation, usually in a generalized obesity situation.

In “true” gynecomastia, the increase in volume results from the growth of the mammary gland with or without associated fat deposits.

Hormonal changes in adolescence usually cause a benign enlargement of the mammary gland. This appears as a firm retro areolar mass with a diameter between 1 and 5 cm that can cause discomfort to touch and pressure. Gynecomastia in adolescence in 75% of cases resolves spontaneously in 2-3rd with normalization of hormone levels.

However, not every change in shape or enlargement of the male breast is gynecomastia. Weight gain with age-related changes in body contour can cause “false” gynecomastia.

Although an enlarged male breast is generally not of significant pathological significance, except from a psychological point of view, it should not go un-investigated.


Endocrine diseases, tumors and chronic diseases.

Klinefelter syndrome, in which the patient has an extra X chromosome that impairs the production of testosterone and the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics.

Anabolic steroids, often used by bodybuilders.

Other drugs: antiretrovirals, antidepressants, antihypertensives, tuberculostatics and chemotherapy.


Correction of persistent gynecomastia is surgical and consists of removing adipose tissue with liposuction and/or excising the mammary gland.

In general, the gynecomastia surgery in Kanpur is performed on an outpatient basis, without the need for hospitalization, and can be performed under local tumescent anesthesia.

In this case, after infiltration of the anesthetic solution, liposuction of the adipose tissue is performed. This technique that does not leave a scar, in addition to two incisions of 2 mm each, allows for the isolated resolution of most cases that occur outside adolescence.

If, after removing the fat, there is an excess of the mammary gland, it is removed through a lower hemiareolar incision (lower half of the areola).

You should always try to obtain a uniform breast, avoiding the creation of depression when the gland is removed.

More severe cases may require more aggressive surgeries with skin removal and consequent scarring sequelae.

Subsequently, the incision is sutured. The resulting scar is virtually invisible as it is placed without tension and in the transition from the dark skin of the areola to the lighter skin of the breast. The patient must wear a compressive vest for 20 days continuously.

Before Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur

Measure and examine breast tissue

Before any surgery, Dr. Amit Verma, the best plastic surgeon in Kanpur measures and examines breast tissue to see how much of the breast area is due to abnormal growth of the gland and how much fatty tissue is pure. They are treated in two surgically different ways.

In the case of unexplained breast growth, you may need to have some medical tests to check the hormonal balance. Also, no special investigation is required.

Listen to your expectations and desires

  • He also explains the operation and answers your questions.
  • He will answer questions about your health and illness and past operations.
  • You will be told which areas will improve with the surgery, what it might cost and how long it will take.
  • We are always available and answer your questions.

The Surgery

Local anesthesia or anesthesia

In general, the gynecomastia surgery in Kanpur is performed on an outpatient basis, without the need for hospitalization, and can be performed under local tumescent anesthesia.

In this case, after infiltration of the anesthetic solution, liposuction of the adipose tissue is performed. This technique that does not leave a scar, in addition to two incisions of 2 mm each, allows for the isolated resolution of most cases that occur outside adolescence.

If, after removing the fat, there is an excess of the mammary gland, it is removed through a lower hemiareolar incision (lower half of the areola).

You should always try to obtain a uniform breast, avoiding the creation of depression when the gland is removed.

More severe cases may require more aggressive surgeries with skin removal and consequent scarring sequelae.

Subsequently, the incision is sutured. The resulting scar is virtually invisible as it is placed without tension and in the transition from the dark skin of the areola to the lighter skin of the breast.

After Gynecomastia Surgery in Kanpur

Compression vest

The patient must wear a compression garment for 20 days continuously to prevent bleeding and swelling.

Return to appointment within a week, at which time some stitches are removed. At this point it is already possible to see how the breast has acquired a more masculine shape. But it must still be swollen.

Avoid scars

However, it is a matter of months until the skin is fully adapted. Usually, skin removal is not necessary.

Light activities

After the gynecomastia surgery in Kanpur, we recommend that you abstain from physical exercises and other physical activities and continue with only calm walks.

Available 24 hours a day

After the surgery, we are available 24/7 if you need to contact us.


It is an intervention after which you should expect the appearance of swelling and slight bruising associated with discomfort easily bearable with mild painkillers.

There is no need to remove sutures.

You should avoid physical exertion, especially on the chest. You can return to intense physical activity at 4 weeks.


At 4 weeks you can start evaluating what the final result will be, which is permanent.

In general, the results are excellent.

When it is necessary to surgically remove the mammary gland, in the first 2 months, swelling and hardness may occur in the nipple-areolar area. Gradually the swelling disappears, and the breast becomes smoother. The final result is obtained after 3 months.

Common Questions

Is the postoperative period of gynecomastia surgery in Kanpur very painful?

It’s not a painful intervention, it’s just uncomfortable, it’s painful to the touch. Later you will feel a tightness in the area.

Should I do special exercises to help recovery?

Not none. Lymphatic drainage massages, which can be started the next day, can help.

Can I take a shower?

Yes, you can shower the next day. You must remove the dressing before bathing (not immersion), dry, disinfect and, after placing a light dressing, put your compressive vest back on.

When can I go back to the gym?

About a month after the surgery.

When can I go back to work?

About 3 to 7 days after the intervention.

Can breast growth be due to cancer?

Yes, it can, but it’s unlikely. Male breast cancer is rare.

Dr. Amit Verma

Dr Amit Verma is a senior plastic surgeon specializing in Aesthetic, Reconstructive & Burn Plastic Surgery. His solid academic background, years of accumulated experience and permanent scientific updating make him one of the most sought-after plastic surgeon in Kanpur.