Body Lift in Kanpur

Body Contour – Body Lifting

The body lifting (body contour) improves the patient’s silhouette, giving more support to the tissues that support fat and skin. The flaccidity and a little of the excess fat are removed to treat the problems caused by the precarious elasticity of the tissues that support this region.

Body Lifting in Kanpur

A well-toned body with smooth contours can be a sign of the good physical condition, achieved with a balanced diet and regular physical activity. However, exercise does not always provide the desired results for people who want to get rid of uneven contours.

Aging itself, sun damage, pregnancy that stretches the skin and significant weight fluctuations, as well as individual genetic factors, can all contribute to impaired tissue elasticity. This results in sagging of the abdomen and other areas like buttocks, thighs and arms. If you want to have a more defined and firm body contour, you can have a body lift in Kanpur with the Plastic Surgeon Dr. Amit Verma.

Body Contouring Surgery or Liposuction?

The body lift is not the ideal plastic surgery for the removal of excess body fat. If this is the objective, liposuction is the ideal procedure to remove excess fat deposits. It is usually applied where the skin has good elasticity and is able to naturally support the new body contour. In cases where skin elasticity is poor, a combination of liposuction and lifting techniques may be recommended.

Body Lifting Areas

  • Abdominal region;
  • Sides and lower back area;
  • Arms – brachioplasty (Arm Lifting);
  • glutes;
  • Groin;
  • Legs – Cruroplasty (Thigh Lifting).

Body Lift Before and After

After body lift surgery some people have a faster recovery than others, so they can quickly make a before and after comparison. Each patient has unique biological characteristics, which will influence the entire course and outcome of plastic surgery.

What we can be sure of is that following the plastic surgeon’s recommendations, before and after surgery, reduces the chances of complications and increases satisfaction with the results.

In addition to the actions that the patient himself can perform, his surgeon can also include follow-ups from nutritionists and psychologists. The ideal is to take your time and calm down, making sure that the results will appear and completely change your life.

Body Lift Recovery

After completion of the surgery, meshes and dressings will be applied to the incision site. A drain may be temporarily inserted under the skin to extract any excess blood and fluid that may accumulate.

Follow your plastic surgeon’s recommendations. It is critical to the success of and good recovery from surgery. It is also important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to force, abrasion, or extensive movement during the stipulated healing time.

How does Body Contouring Surgery work?

Part 1 – Anesthesia

Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. Options include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best option for you.

Part 2 – Incisions

The incision length and pattern will depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed, as well as the surgeon’s personal preference and judgment. A complete body lift treats the buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips, and thighs in one procedure. A circular incision around the body removes excess skin and fat from the apron and repositions and defines the tissues.

Part 3 – Closing the incisions

Sutures and adhesives close the skin incisions.

Cruroplasty (Thigh Lift)

Cruroplasty is a thigh lift. Thigh Lift surgery is used to reshape the thighs, reducing excess skin, in some cases even removing excess fat, which results in a smoother leg and more defined thigh contours. Physical exercise and weight loss are sometimes not enough for some people to reach their goals of having a firmer, younger, and more proportionate body to their image. Who fits in this case, the thigh lift can be a good option.

Thigh Lift in Kanpur

For each situation and according to the type of modification that will be performed on the thighs, there is a specific technique to be chosen. In some patients with a lot of localized fat, and without sagging skin, liposuction may be enough to harmonize the region.

However, when sagging is accentuated in the region, it may be necessary to actually perform a crural lifting (of the thighs) so that the results are more satisfactory. Crural lifting is performed through incisions of varying sizes that are located exactly in the groin crease.

After delimiting and removing excess skin from the thighs, the plastic surgeon must close the incisions, very carefully to avoid scar enlargement during the postoperative period and possible distortions of the genital region. It is natural that the extent of scars is directly proportional to the degree of sagging. In any case, this surgery must be indicated with extreme care, since the scars can be very expressive, depending on the results.

Thigh Lift Before and After

Plastic surgery can change the appearance, correct some regions of the body and improve the patient’s self-esteem. For a better clinical follow-up, and accurate observation of the before and after the thigh lift, the surgeon takes some pictures before and after the procedure.

In some cases, to keep the modifications consistent after the surgery, the patient must adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet, practice moderate physical activity, and even put aside some addictions that can harm health and results.

Doctor Amit Verma is ready to assist you, who has been dreaming for a long time to make some corrections, to fulfill the dream of looking in the mirror and being satisfied and impressed with the before and after.

Thigh Lift Recovery

Average length of stay, considering the patient’s normal evolution and recovery , is 1 day. During recovery, the patient should avoid stretching the movements too much, especially opening the legs a lot, since the scar is close to the groin and will be too forced in these cases.

The natural movement exerted in the scar region, caused by walking and gravity, can cause the scar to enlarge in the first months of recovery. The less the traction on the scar, the smaller the enlargement, and the faster the recovery.

Some important recommendations:

  • Avoid wetting the dressing in the first few days;
  • Do not expose yourself to the sun for at least eight weeks after surgery;
  • Walk with short steps, without spreading your feet too far;
  • Feeding will be normal, except in special cases;
  • When there are stitches to be removed, it will be from 7 to 15 days;
  • The patient will be able to shower, usually two days after the surgery.

Dr. Amit Verma

Dr Amit Verma is a senior plastic surgeon specializing in Aesthetic, Reconstructive & Burn Plastic Surgery. His solid academic background, years of accumulated experience and permanent scientific updating make him one of the most sought-after plastic surgeon in Kanpur.